
The tandem paraglider

The new Air-Taxi² comes up with a huge weight range from 135 to 235 kg. Particularly noteworthy are its fantastic launch and flare characteristics as well as a new trimmer clasp, which allows continuous and smooth adjustment. These features make Air-Taxi² the perfect companion for both commercial and non-commercial tandem pilots

Optimized start behavior

The surprisingly short take-off distance even at maximum take-off weight and the very low take-off speed simplify the take-off process considerably.

Smooth handling

The climb, whether in weak or strong thermals, is implemented sensitively by the Air-Taxi². The high final speed with open trimmers combined with maximum stability guarantees a safety plus over a wide weight and wind range.

Optimal flare behavior

Through various optimizations of the canopy, the flare behavior has been simplified once again - soft landings thus become child's play.

  • Optimised canvas tension due to modern software
  • High-performance thermal aerofoil with extremely high constancy, especially at high speed - achieved by newly-designed reinforcements in the leading edge
  • Newly designed trimmer clasp for smooth, nonwearing use
  • Light and durable material: strudy Domenico 30D for the front upper canvas and double-coated Domenico 20D with optimised fabric structure
  • Efficient, clearly labelled and colour marked risers
Size M L
Cells 52 52
Flat surface (m²) 39,00 41,80
Flat span (m) 14,39 14,88
Aspect ratio 5,29 5,30
Projected surface m² 33,69 35,93
Projected span (m) 11,79
Projected aspect ratio 3,87
Weight (kg) 7,80 7,10
Weight range (kg) 130 - 220 135 - 235
Certified according to EN 926-2:2013 / EN 926-1:2015 / LTF 91/09 EN 926-2:2013 / EN 926-1:2015 / LTF 91/09
Upper canvas Dominico 30D soft finish, Domenico 20D soft finish, 2-fach beschichtet
Lower canvas Domenico 20D soft finish, 2-fach beschichtet
Profiles NCV Skytex 27 hard finish
Diagonal ribs NCV Skytex 32 hard finish
Lines Edelrid 7343: 420/340/190, Liros TSL500 (lower lines)
Edelrid 8000: 280/230/190/135/090 (middle cascade)
Edelrid 8000: 135/090 (top cascade)
Liros DSL: 70 (Brake: middle/top cascade)
Liros PPLSL: 125 (Brake: lower cascade)
Edelrid Dyneema 10/N200 (steering line)
Line locks Maillon Rapide inox 3,5 mm


Air Taxi² with its huge weight range and its distinct launch behaviour makes launches, especially with unexperienced passengers, much easier.

Its handling is comparable to the handling of solo wings: well modulated, smooth and effortless. The wing is easy to centre - in light as well as in hard, disrupted thermal. An advantage, easily recognisable in gained altitude.

In order to cover a huge weight range, Air-Taxi² has a trimmer with a new, wearfree clasp. This trimmer makes it possible to accelerate even during distance flights at high gliding performance or to increase the trim speed at low launch weight. The new trimmer clasp allows very smooth adjustments.

Particularly its great flare characteristics make this tandem paraglider easy to handle, due to its brake modulation and canopy geometry. Even in calms and with high passenger weight, landing with Air-Taxi² is easy-going.

Its particular facile launch handling even starts with easy lines assorting. The line suspension points, newly calculated with latest software, the optimised canvas tension, low canopy weight and shape-stable nylon rods in the leading edge make Air-Taxi² climb easily.

According to launch weight, terrain and wind conditions it is possible to further optimise the canopy's uplift by using the trimmer.

Often tandem paragliders are wrongly promoted as gliders with a smooth handling. With Air-Taxi² we achieved a tandem paraglider with a handling comparable to a solo wing. Its handling is well-responding and its brake can be used very efficiently when thermalling. There's no time lag when initiating spirals and sinking is subtly controllable and adjustable.

For Air-Taxi² we have chosen a mix of durable, sturdy Dominico D30 and the new, double-coated Domenico D20 for a long-time use. Every material we use is made by leading manufacturers, whom we have been working and cooperating with in development issues for many years. A solid basis for high quality and for your long lasting enjoyment of flying Air-Taxi².

A detailed list of materials can be found by clicking "Technical data".

Lines & accessory for this paraglider

  • Lightweight yet comfortable
  • Excellent seating comfort, with airbag protector
  • Very light tandem passenger harness
  • With foam protector
  • Bi-place passenger harness for the young generation
  • LTF and EN certified

G-force brake parachute is made to reduce physical stress when flying spirals. It needs to be attached to your harness.

  • The world's lightest tandem reserve, LTF/EN certification
  • Extremely low sink rate, very fast opening
  • Light rescue parachute for heavy total load
  • Very low sink rate, very fast opening